Learning how to make your own candles might sound like a long and boring task, but it can actually be quite fun and enjoyable. There are a lot of people who are making candles from the comfort of their own home and actually enjoying this fun hobby. To day in this article I will be teaching you how to make your own candles from the comfort of your own home. I will be explaining one of the easiest and most fun methods that you can use especially if you are a beginner.

What You Are Going To Need To Make Your Own Candles

The method I will be teaching you is called the bees wax candle, so you are going to need to gather up the following items:

1 Sheet of Bees Wax
A Scissors
A Cotton Candle Wick

It's Time To Make Your Own Candles

Once you have everything that you need you are going to make your own candles, by starting with the sheet of bees wax. Place the sheet of wax on a flat even surface and fold it in half, once folded you are going to open the bees wax up again, now you should have a line straight down the middle of your sheet of wax.

Using your scissors cut the sheet of wax in half down the line or fold, now you should have two sheets of wax so you should be able to make two candles out of this. Take one of the sheets and lay it on a flat even surface, take your cotton candle wick and place it on the on the edge of the wax, were you had cut and sticking out half an inch from the top and bottom sides of the wax.

Now slowly and gently roll the bees wax around the candle wick, after you are done press the edge of the candle to seal it. The heat from your hands should help in sealing the candle. Now you are going to trim your cotton candle wick, at the bottom of the candle cut the wick flush, and at the top of the candle you are going to cut the wick so that there is about 7mm sticking out. Now take your candle and lay it on its side on a flat surface and roll the candle to help seal it.

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