We spend money on sporting events, movies, television, vacations, amusement parks, and anything else that generates positive, relaxing, and fun emotions. The best and highest paid entertainers are the individuals and events that get you involved! They realize that people are moved and influenced by positive emotion, not just information. As professional martial-arts business owners it is our obligation to entertain and involve both our students and their parents. It is our job to generate positive results that lead to positive emotions for everyone, whether participating or just watching our classes. When you begin to understand and implement this concept into all of your classes and every aspect of your school sales will come easier and with greater abundance.

One evening I observed the parents who were sitting in the waiting area of my martial arts school. I soon became very uneasy about the site I was witnessing. Parents carrying on pleasant conversations; Some watching class and looking pretty in-tuned as to what was going on; Others reading a book or magazine, and a couple getting caught up on some office work. You might think, no big deal, I see the same thing every day too. But if you think about how many of these parents were being entertained?

How many actually felt involved with what was going on in the class? Sure, no one was complaining and the chairs were full, but who the heck cares about that! What we need to be doing with these parents is entertaining them and involving them to the point that they figure. "This is the most positive activity that I've ever gotten my child enrolled in." A major form of influence is positive emotion, and a way to get positive emotion is through entertainment and involvement. If they're just sitting there disengaged they will not be influenced by you.

We need our spectators, whether parents or not, to be on the edge of their seats. We need them laughing, smiling, and happy. We also need them focused when the time comes. What we don't need is stone faced parents who feel that they have to "find something to do" while martial-arts class is going on. We need them doing the same things that they would do when they go to the movies or attend a professional sporting event. Would they bring a book to football game or to a movie? No way, they don't want to miss a second of the action! So what are some steps we can take?

Be unpredictable, have them wondering "what's he gonna do today?" alter your class routines. Ask them questions? "How's this class doing?" "Do you think they can yell louder?" Give your mat chat closer to the parents if possible and ask them for their in- put. Get them up holding targets or judging. Get them to help you with your lesson in some way. Make them feel like they have to be on their toes for the half hour or forty-five minutes of your class. Be creative and think of some more ways to get them involved.

Make the shift from Martial arts instructor, Martial arts business owner, program director, to entertainer and motivator. Let them come to you for the same reason they spend the big bucks on everything else... To feel good and have fun! Hey... they may quite possibly figure out that they might as well get themselves in classes too!

Remember, with involvement you get commitment and with commitment you get retention. When you begin to entertain as well as educate you make everyone more relaxed and get their positive emotions going. When they view you as larger than life and envy your ability to captivate and inspire them and their children they will join your black belt club, refer you new students and help your martial arts business grow!

Michael Dolpies started his first Martial Arts school in 1998 when he was just 18 years old. He is the creator of many top selling martial arts business resources including: Quick Karate Sales Letters and The Magic Intro Program. He is the co-founder of The MA-Biz Secret Society. To get a FREE MP3- "The Insider Secrets of Six-Figure School Owners" go to: http://www.mabizsecretsociety.com

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